Work Experience
Work Experience at
Universal Learning Institute
ULI provides co-op and practicum placements for students to gain valuable work experiences. In the current job market, employers like to see more than just a diploma on your resume. They want to see that you have on-the-job experience within your industry. That's why many programs at ULI give you opportunities to do a co-op/ practicum.
Through the co-op and practicum placements, ULI helps you to gain hands-on work experiences in your industry and can give you a huge competitive advantages when starting you career. Successful completion of the co-op or practicum demonstrates your ability to perform in a real workplace environment. You can acquires situational specifics skills and identify areas that may need to be developed further. With the guide of the mentor, you can adapt to a work environment quickly, and you will learn through the evaluation of your work performance. When applying for a professional job, having that experience on your resume can be a great difference compared to other new graduates because you have a written letter of reference from a host company. Canadian employers always expect job applicants to provide reference letters from other companies. Moreover, it happens very often that our students are hired by their host companies during or after their work term, which is the best evidence of our career-oriented training matching industry needs.
ULI graduates are outstanding in the job market for their industry related co-op practicum experiences in local companies. Enrolling in ULI programs with a co-op or practicum, you are taking the first step toward professional development and success.
"ULI finds Host Employers who are committed to introducing students to work in their field of study. ULI works with the Host Employer to evaluate the student’s performance during a work experience and to provide a letter of reference on the successful completion of the agreed upon co-op work term and/or practicum placement."

ULI provides work experience placements for students who have reached the 75% point of study of the on-site portion of a program of study and met the criteria for practicum placement. We ensure that placements provide an opportunity for students to enhance the skills learned throughout the completion of a program of study.
Co-Op Work Term
ULI provides work experience placements for students who have met the criteria for the co-op work term. We ensure that placements provide an opportunity for students to enhance the skills learned throughout the completion of a program of study.