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Student Withdrawal/Refund Policy

To be considered for a refund, a student must submit a written notice of withdrawal to the institution. Notices of dismissal to a student must also be in written form.

  1. If Universal Learning Institute receives tuition from the student, or a person on behalf of the student, the institution will refund the student, or the person who paid on behalf of the student, the tuition that was paid in relation to the program in which the student is enrolled if:

    1. the institution receives a notice of withdrawal from the student no later than seven days after the effective contract date and before the contract start date;

    2. the student, or the student’s parent or legal guardian, signs the student enrollment contract seven days or less before the contract start date and the institution receives a notice of withdrawal from the student between the date the student, or the student’s parent or legal guardian, signed the student enrollment contract and the contract start date; or

    3. the student does not attend a work experience component and the institution does not provide all of the hours of instruction of the work experience component within 30 days of the contract end date.

  2. Universal Learning Institute will refund the tuition for the program and all related fees paid by the student or a person on behalf of the student enrolled in the program if the student is enrolled in the program without having met the admission requirements and did not misrepresent his or her knowledge or skills when applying for admission.

  3. If a student does not attend any of the first 30% of the hours of instruction to be provided during the contract term, Universal Learning Institute may retain up to 50% of the tuition paid under the student enrollment contract unless the program is provided solely through distance education.

  4. Unless the program is provided solely through distance education, if Universal Learning Institute receives a notice of withdrawal from a student:

    1. more than seven days after the effective contract date and

      • at least 30 days before the contract start date, the institution may retain up to 10% of the tuition due under the student enrollment contract, to a maximum of $1,000.

      • less than 30 days before the contract start date, the institution may retain up to 20% of the tuition due under the student enrollment contract, to a maximum of $1,300.

    2. after the contract start date

      • and up to and including 10% of the hours of instruction to be provided during the contract term have been provided, the institution may retain up to 30% of the tuition due under the student enrollment contract.

      • and after 10% but before 30% of the hours of instruction to be provided during the contract term have been provided, the institution may retain up to 50% of the tuition due under the student enrollment contract.

  5. Unless the program is provided solely through distance education, if Universal Learning Institute provides a notice of dismissal to a student and the date the institution delivers the notice to the student is:

    • equal to or before 10% of the hours of instruction to be provided during the contract term have been provided, the institution may retain up to 30% of the tuition due under the student enrollment contract.

    • after 10% but before 30% of the hours of instruction to be provided during the contract term have been provided, the institution may retain up to 50% of the tuition due under the student enrollment contract.

  6. If Universal Learning Institute provides the program solely through distance education and the institution receives a student’s notice of withdrawal or the institution delivers a notice of dismissal to the student and:

    • the student has completed and received an evaluation of his or her performance for up to 30% of the hours of instruction to be provided during the contract term, the institution may retain up to 30% of the tuition due under the student enrolment contract, or

    • the student has completed and received an evaluation of his or her performance for more than 30% but less than 50% of the program, the institution may retain up to 50% of the tuition due under the student enrolment contract.

  7. Universal Learning Institute will refund fees charged for course materials paid for but not received if the student provides a notice of withdrawal to the institution or the institution provides a notice of dismissal to the student.

  8. Refunds required under this policy will be paid to the student, or a person who paid the tuition or fees on behalf of the student, within 30 days:

    • of the date Universal Learning Institute receives a student’s notice of withdrawal,

    • of the date Universal Learning Institute provides a notice of dismissal to the student,

    • of the date that the registrar provides notice to Universal Learning Institute that the institution is not complying with section 1.1 or 2 of this policy, or

    • after the first 30% of the hours of instruction if section 3 of this policy applies 

  9. If an international student delivers a copy of a refusal of a study permit to Universal Learning Institute, sections 1.1, 1.2, 4, 7, and 8 of this policy apply as if the copy of the refusal were a notice of withdrawal, unless:

    • the international student requests an additional letter of acceptance for the same program that was the subject of the refusal of a study permit, or

    • the program is provided solely through distance education.

Prior Learning Assessment/ Credit Transfer Policy

Depending on a student’s entrance test results and proof of previous accomplishments, schedules and tuition may be adjusted to less than the posted program schedule/tuition.   This will be agreed to prior to the contract period.  We can offer credit for up to 50% of the total program time or content.

EXCEPTION: Based on school closures, or other industry anomalies, ULI will allow credit in excess of 50% of the total program. The allowable prior learning will be incident specific and decided upon after a formal interview between the student and ULI admissions.

School Library
Classmates in the Library

Admission Policy

Proof of meeting the admission requirements of the school and the program will be kept in your file.  The school requires evidence of being a mature student, 19 years or older or out of school for 12 months (photo ID).  The school requires proof of meeting the admission requirements for specific programs  before acceptance can be issued.

Failure to meet the Admissions requirement for each program cannot be waived by either the Institution or the student.

Student Guidelines for Dispute Resolution

 1.      This policy governs complaints from students respecting Universal Learning Institute and any aspect of its operations.  Student will not be subject to any form of retaliation as a result of filing a complaint.

     2.      All student complaints must be made in writing. 

     3.      Students have the right to be represented by an agent or lawyer upon written request for such.

    4.      When a concern arises, the student should address the concern with the staff member most directly involved. If the student is not satisfied with the outcome at this level, the student should put his/her concern in writing and deliver it to the campus coordinator or Director of Student Services ( who in turn will bring it to the Senior Educational Administrator.

The following steps are to be followed in processing a dispute. 

     (1)   The Senior Educational Administrator  or designate will arrange to meet with the student to discuss the concern and desired resolution within 5 school days of receiving the student’s written concern, or as soon as practicable.

     (2)   Following the meeting with the student, the Senior Educational Administrator or designate will conduct whatever enquiries and/or investigations are necessary and appropriate to determine whether the student’s concerns are substantiated in whole or in part. Those inquiries may involve further discussions with the student either individually or with appropriate (institution’s) personnel.

     (3)   The necessary enquiries and/or investigations shall be completed no later than 10 school days following the receipt of the student’s written concern. The Senior Educational Administrator or designate will do one of the following within 10 days of receiving the student’s written concerns:

     a.      Determine the student’s concerns are not substantiated; or

     b.      Determine the student’s concerns are substantiated in whole or in part;

     c.      Determine the student’s concerns are frivolous and vexatious.

      The student and the institution’s personnel involved shall receive a written summary of the above determination. A copy of all documentation relating to every student’s complaint should be signed by all parties. A copy shall be given to the student, and the original will be placed in the student file.

    (4)   If it has been determined that the student’s concerns are substantiated in whole or in part the Senior Educational Administrator or designate shall include a proposed resolution of the substantiated concern(s).

    (5)   If the student is not satisfied with the determination of the Senior Educational Administrator or designate, the student must advise the Senior Educational Administrator or designate within 48 hours of being informed of the determination. The Senior Educational Administrator or designate will immediately refer the matter to the Senior Vice President or designate. The Senior Vice President or designate will review the matter and meet with the student within 5 school days.

     (6)   The Senior Vice President or designate shall either confirm or vary the determination of the Senior Educational Administrator or designate. The Senior Vice President will confirm, change or deny the resolution.  If the resolution is not accepted by the student, at this point, a Dispute Resolution Panel may be called which includes the President, the Senior Vice President and two members of the Advisory Committee.  Should there still be no resolution, the school’s Dispute Resolution Process will be considered exhausted.



Bullying and Harassment Policy

      Issues of harassment are dealt with on a one-to-one basis and include a broad category of behaviors such as sexual, mental, or physical. They can be escalated to the Dispute Resolution stage and can ultimately result in dismissal for staff and withdrawal for students. ULI takes harassment seriously and makes every reasonable effort to ensure that no one is subjected to or is a perpetrator of harassment. This applies to all members of the school community: employees, students and visitors alike. For more information on our Harassment Policy please speak to the Senior VP or the Director of Student Services. Please access WorkSafe BC for additional details on Policy that ULI adheres to.


Respectful and Fair Treatment of Students

Universal Learning Institute is committed to ensuring that its learning environment promotes the respectful and fair treatment of all students.

While on ULI’s premises or in the course of activities or events hosted by ULI, the following is a list of activities but not limited to this list, that are prohibited:

  • Bullying

  • Harassment

  • Discrimination

If under any circumstances, a prohibited activity occurs, Please follow the Dispute Resolution Policy.

If the issue is of a serious nature the President may, in his sole discretion and cost, engage the services of a third party mediator to assist in the resolution of the dispute.

Note:  Dennis Li, President and CEO of ULI is the designated “Dispute Resolution Officer” who is responsible for resolving issues of contention.

Should the complaint be concerning the Senior Education Administrator or the Senior Education Administrator is not available, the complaint will be given directly to the Senior Vice President or designate.

If the Senior Vice President is not available or named in the complaint, the President and CEO is last step to resolution

If the student is or was enrolled in an approved program, is dissatisfied with the determination, and has been misled by the institution regarding any significant aspect of that program, he or she may file a complaint with the Private Career Training Institutions Branch (

Caregiver with Patient

Work Experience: Practicum Placement or Co-Op Work Term

ULI provides work experience placements for students who have reached at least the 75% point of study of the on-site portion of a program of study and met the criteria for work experience placement. ULI ensures that placements provide an opportunity for students to enhance the skills learned in the program of study.

ULI finds Host Employers who are committed to introducing students to work in their field of study. ULI works with the Host Employer to evaluate the student’s performance during a work experience and to provide a letter of reference on the successful completion of the agreed upon work term.

Attendance Policy

This applies to all students of ULI.

Anyone in a funded program must adhere to the attendance policies of their funding agency that ULI will monitor and enforce

International students are held accountable to IRCC attendance requirements.

ULI privately funded students without any accountable reason (e.g. Visitor Visa, citizen or permanent resident) will be held accountable to their scheduled study times  

ULI makes every effort to create a flexible environment to help you meet all your responsibilities as an adult. 

However, within that flexibility there are policies that must be adhered to in order to help you reach your goals and graduate.


Minimum Attendance Requirements for students are as follows:

80% attendance for your entire scheduled program is required.  Lecture-based classes are pre-scheduled.  Excused absences (i.e. absences with notification) can be made up with extra material or classroom notes.  Tutorials are not included as a makeup class. Indicate an impending class absence by email or phone before the class starts if possible. Attendance requirements of your funding agency or IRCC for International students is determined by the agency and upheld at ULI based on the details of the letter of acceptance from ULI.  There is no flexibility on this monitoring and reporting policy and it supercedes any school policy.

 Please Note:   The entire program may be put on hold for up to 3 months, or individual courses may be placed on hold with the understanding that your particular program or missing courses may not be available on your return in the order that you may need if available at all.  However, ULI will make every effort to transfer your credits as Prior Learning Credits to an existing program if you wish.  You will be responsible for any fee differential at that time.

When there has been no attendance or contact or special arrangements made in writing for one month that will constitute an automatic withdrawal from your program with no refunds.  If no arrangements have been made, the course or program and the time is forfeited.

We work hard to accommodate changing work schedules, family needs, and personal appointments.  Just let us know.  We try to accommodate adults with multiple levels of responsibility. 

  • There is no fee for the Hold request.  There is no refund if the program/course is no longer available.

  • For those looking for a few weeks to 3 months, a letter of authorized leave from the school is required if you plan to leave the country. 

  • On your return a new contract will be issued to indicate the extension based on the authorized leave of absence

  • If you leave with no authorization prior to leaving, your time will be forfeited

  • International students are solely responsible for ensure their visa allows for multiple entries – this is not standard – you must apply for this on student visas.

Consequences for students who do not meet the minimum attendance requirements listed above are as follows:

     1.Lack of attendance will constitute ineligibility for ULI guarantee of free retake of courses if you fail the examinations.

     2.Any missed classes, other than very specific long term leave as outlined below will not have hours added to your schedule.  You are solely responsible for meeting classroom test and assignment requirements and making up lost lessons on your own time.

     3.Falling below 80% attendance in any Program is cause for incomplete status if there is no official leave of absence in place as allowed by regulators, funders, private registrations.

      4.Lack of communication regarding absence will lead to non refundable failure when it is more than 2 weeks below the 80% attendance mark and no arrangements have been made.  The regulators attendance policy, if higher required attendance is indicated, will be upheld and reported.

     5.Completing examinations and doing make up time as required by policies of your status as a student is a way to remedy the attendance requirements

     6.Continued non attendance is cause for dismissal


Process to Report Absence

Email :                    or phone             604-273-2880    


Please email the appropriate campus of your absence prior to the start of your class

Those in locations outside of Richmond (satellite sites), please email if you will be late or missing classes.

If you need an extended leave of absence (medical or personal):

 Please notify ULI in writing and receive written permission from the Student Services Director ( or designate.  We will make every effort to hold a space for you but can only do so if the course is still running.  There is no refund for extended leave of absence.  ULI will put your program on hold for up to 3 months, if permission is granted from ULI generally based on proven family or personal medical situations.  It is ineligible to use this policy for school breaks, vacations, or personal breaks at will. ULI cannot grant permission from your regulating body – we will report your medical/emergency leave and it is up to you to maintain your status with your agency.  Upon your return, you are entitled to complete any courses paid for that are still being offered.  This is not transferable to new courses being offered unless you are prepared to look at a fee adjustment and upgrade to any new entrance requirements if applicable. 

Student Statement of Right

Universal Learning Institute is certified with the Private Training Institutions Branch (PTIB) of the British Columbia Ministry of Advanced Education and Skills Training. 

Before you enroll at a certified private training institution, you should be aware of your rights and responsibilities.

You have the right to be treated fairly and respectfully by the institution.

You have the right to a student enrolment contract that includes the following information:

  • amount of tuition and any additional fee for your program

  • refund policy

  • if your program includes a work experience, the requirements to participate in the work experience and the geographic area where it will be provided

  • whether the program was approved by PTIB or does not require approval.

Make sure you read the contract before signing. The institution will provide you with a signed copy.

You have the right to access the institution’s Dispute Resolution process and to be protected against retaliation for making a complaint.

You have the right to make a claim to PTIB for a tuition refund if:

  • the institution ceases to hold a certificate before you complete an approved program

  • you were misled about a significant aspect of your approved program.

  • You must file the claim within one year of completing, being dismissed or withdrawing from your program.

For more information about PTIB and how to be an informed student, go to:

Student Looking at Building

Sexual Misconduct Policy

All post-secondary institutions in British Columbia are required to establish a written Sexual Misconduct Policy that is posted on their website and provided to students before the start date of the program: Private Training Regulation s.48.1.


This policy sets out procedures for making and responding to a Complaint or Report of sexual misconduct involving a student. While developing this policy, the following resources were consulted:

Preventing and Responding to Sexual Violence/Misconduct (BC Post-Secondary Guide)


Director/student services, Mousheera Hashem


1) Any student of Universal Learning Institute may file a Report of an incident via email directly to the institution’s Senior Management Team via email:


President & CEO, Dennis Li:

Senior Vice President, Linda Gavise

The process for making a Report of sexual misconduct involving a student is as follows:


In such cases or where civil proceedings are commenced in respect of allegations of sexual Misconduct, Universal Learning Institute may:

  • Conduct its own independent investigation and make its own determination in accordance with its own policies and procedures; and

  • Determine what interim measures ought to be put in place pending the investigation process such as removal of the Respondent or seeking alternate methods of providing necessary course studies.


  • Determine whether an investigation should proceed and if the Complainant wishes to participate in an investigation.

  • Determine who should conduct the investigation having regard to the seriousness of the allegation and the parties involved.

  • Determine whether the incident should be referred immediately to the police.


A Member of the Senior Management Team will acknowledge receipt of the Complaint within three (3) school days, and


The process for responding to a Complaint of sexual misconduct involving a student is as follows:

Senior Management Team via email:


President & CEO, Dennis Li:

Senior Vice President, Linda Gavise

Director/student services, Mousheera Hashem


Please include as much detail about the complaint as you are able.


Any student at Universal Learning Institute may file a Complaint directly to the institution’s


The process for making a Complaint about sexual misconduct involving a student is as follows:


A student making a Complaint will be provided with resolution options and, if appropriate, accommodation, and will not be required or pressured to make a Report.


Sexual misconduct refers to a spectrum of non-consensual sexual contact and behaviour including the following:

  • Sexual assault;

  • Sexual exploitation;

  • Sexual harassment;

  • Stalking;

  • Indecent exposure;

  • Voyeurism;

  • The distribution of a sexually explicit photograph or video of a person to one or more persons other than the person in the photograph or video without the consent of the person in the photograph or video and with the intent to distress the person in the photograph or video;

  • The attempt to commit an act of sexual misconduct; and

The threat to commit an act of sexual misconduct.A Complaint of sexual misconduct is different than a Report of sexual misconduct. A person may choose to disclose or complain of sexual misconduct without making a formal report. A Report is a formal notification of an incident of sexual misconduct to someone at the institution accompanied by a request for action.




1. Universal Learning Institute is committed to the prevention of and appropriate response to sexual misconduct.

Sexual misconduct refers to a spectrum of non-consensual sexual contact and behaviour including the following:

  • Sexual assault;

  • Sexual exploitation;

  • Sexual harassment;

  • Stalking;

  • Indecent exposure;

  • Voyeurism;

  • The distribution of a sexually explicit photograph or video of a person to one or more persons other than the person in the photograph or video without the consent of the person in the photograph or video and with the intent to distress the person in the photograph or video;

  • The attempt to commit an act of sexual misconduct; and

The threat to commit an act of sexual misconduct.A Complaint of sexual misconduct is different than a Report of sexual misconduct. A person may choose to disclose or complain of sexual misconduct without making a formal report. A Report is a formal notification of an incident of sexual misconduct to someone at the institution accompanied by a request for action.


A student making a Complaint will be provided with resolution options and, if appropriate, accommodation, and will not be required or pressured to make a Report.


The process for making a Complaint about sexual misconduct involving a student is as follows:


Any student at Universal Learning Institute may file a Complaint directly to the institution’s

Senior Management Team via email:


President & CEO, Dennis Li:

Senior Vice President, Linda Gavise

Director/student services, Mousheera Hashem


Please include as much detail about the complaint as you are able.


The process for responding to a Complaint of sexual misconduct involving a student is as follows:


A Member of the Senior Management Team will acknowledge receipt of the Complaint within three (3) school days, and


  • Determine whether an investigation should proceed and if the Complainant wishes to participate in an investigation.

  • Determine who should conduct the investigation having regard to the seriousness of the allegation and the parties involved.

  • Determine whether the incident should be referred immediately to the police.


In such cases or where civil proceedings are commenced in respect of allegations of sexual Misconduct, Universal Learning Institute may:

  • Conduct its own independent investigation and make its own determination in accordance with its own policies and procedures; and

  • Determine what interim measures ought to be put in place pending the investigation process such as removal of the Respondent or seeking alternate methods of providing necessary course studies.

The process for making a Report of sexual misconduct involving a student is as follows:


1) Any student of Universal Learning Institute may file a Report of an incident via email directly to the institution’s Senior Management Team via email:


President & CEO, Dennis Li:

Senior Vice President, Linda Gavise

Director/student services, Mousheera Hashem


Please include as much detail about the complaint as you are able.


The process for responding to a Report of sexual misconduct involving a student is as follows:


The Administration will acknowledge receipt of the Complaint within three (3) school days. The Complainant and the Respondent will be advised that they may ask another person to be present throughout the investigation.


The Complainant will be interviewed to ensure a complete understanding of the allegation and to gather additional information that may not have been included in the written complaint, such as the date and time of the incident, the persons involved, the names of any person who witnessed the incident and a complete description of what occurred.


The Respondent will be interviewed and informed of the complaint, provided details of the allegations and provided an opportunity to respond to the allegations, including providing any witnesses the Respondent feels are essential to the investigation.


Any person involved or who has, or may have, knowledge of the incident and any identified witnesses will be interviewed.


Reasonable updates to the Complainant and the Respondent about the status of the investigation will be provided; and


Following the investigation, the Senior Management Team will:

  • Review all of the evidence collected during the investigation

  • Determine whether sexual Misconduct occurred; and if so

  • Determine what disciplinary action, if any, should be taken as set out below.

Disciplinary Measures

If it is determined by Universal Learning Institute that the Respondent did engage in sexual misconduct, immediate disciplinary or corrective action will be taken. This may include:


Disciplinary action up to and including termination of employment of instructors or staff; or Expulsion of a student; and /or The placement of certain restrictions on the Respondent’s ability to access certain

premises or facilities; and/or

Any other actions that may be appropriate in the circumstances.




Should the Complainant or the Respondent not agree with the decision resulting from the investigation, he or she may appeal the decision by submitting a letter within 3 days addressed to advising of the person’s intent to appeal the decision. Any processes undertaken pursuant to this policy will be based on the principles of administrative fairness. All parties involved will be treated with dignity and respect.


Making False Statements


  • It is a violation of this Sexual Misconduct Policy for anyone to knowingly make a false complaint of sexual Misconduct or to provide false information about a complaint.

  • Individuals who violate this Sexual Misconduct Policy are subject to disciplinary and / or corrective action up to and including termination of employment of instructors or staff or expulsion of a student.

It is contrary to this policy for an institution to retaliate, engage in reprisals or threaten to retaliate in relation to a Complaint or a Report.


Universal Learning Institute will not tolerate any retaliation, directly or indirectly, or threats of retaliation against anyone who Discloses or Reports or who participates in a process that responds to a Report.


Individuals who violate the Sexual Misconduct Policy are subject to disciplinary and /or corrective action, up to and including termination of employment of instructors or staff or expulsion of a student.


Any processes undertaken pursuant to this policy will be based on the principles of administrative fairness. All parties involved will be treated with dignity and respect


All information related to a Complaint or Report is confidential and will not be shared without the written consent of the parties, subject to the following exceptions:


  • If an individual is at imminent risk of severe or life-threatening self-harm.

  • If an individual is at imminent risk of harming another.

  • There are reasonable grounds to believe that others in the institutional community may be at significant risk of harm based on the information provided.

  • Where reporting is required by law, such as if the student is under the age of 19. See duty to report.

  • Where it is necessary to ensure procedural fairness in an investigation or other response to a Complaint or Report.

Dispute Resolution Policies

This policy governs complaints from students respecting Universal Learning Institute and any aspect of its operations. The student will not be subject to any form of retaliation as a result of filing a complaint. All student complaints must be made in writing.  Students have the right to be represented by an agent or lawyer upon written request for such. When a concern arises, the student should address the concern with the staff member most directly involved. If the student is not satisfied with the outcome at this level, the student should put his/her concern in writing and deliver it to the campus coordinator or Director of Student Services who in turn will bring it to the Senior Educational Administrator. The following steps are to be followed in processing a dispute.  The Senior Educational Administrator or designate will arrange to meet with the student to discuss the concern and desired resolution within 5 school days of receiving the student’s written concern, or as soon as practicable.

  • Following the meeting with the student, the Senior Educational Administrator or designate will conduct whatever enquiries and/or investigations are necessary and appropriate to determine whether the student’s concerns are substantiated in whole or in part. Those inquiries may involve further discussions with the student either individually or with appropriate (institution’s) personnel.

  • The necessary enquiries and/or investigations shall be completed no later than 10 school days following the receipt of the student’s written concern. The Senior Educational Administrator or designate will do one of the following within 10 days of receiving the student’s written concerns:

    1. determine the student’s concerns are not substantiated; or

    2. determine the student’s concerns are substantiated in whole or in part;

    3. determine the student’s concerns are frivolous and vexatious.

      The student and the institution’s personnel involved shall receive a written summary of the above determination. A copy of all documentation relating to every student’s complaint should be signed by all parties. A copy shall be given to the student, and the original will be placed in the student file.

If it has been determined that the student’s concerns are substantiated in whole or in part the Senior Educational Administrator or designate shall include a proposed resolution of the substantiated concern(s). If the student is not satisfied with the determination of the Senior Educational Administrator or designate, the student must advise the Senior Educational Administrator or designate within 48 hours of being informed of the determination. The Senior Educational Administrator or designate will immediately refer the matter to the Senior Vice President or designate. The Senior Vice President or designate will review the matter and meet with the student within 5 school days. The Senior Vice President or designate shall either confirm or vary the determination of the Senior Educational Administrator or designate. The Senior Vice President will confirm, change or deny the resolution. If the resolution is not accepted by the student, at this point, a Dispute Resolution Panel may be called which includes the President, the Senior Vice President and two members of the Advisory Committee. Should there still be no resolution, the school’s Dispute Resolution Process will be considered exhausted. if the issue is of a serious nature the President may, in his sole discretion and cost, engage the services of a third-party mediator to assist in the resolution of the dispute. if the student is or was enrolled in an approved program, is dissatisfied with the determination, and has been misled by the institution regarding any significant aspect of that program, he or she may file a complaint with the Private Career Training Institutions Branch (

Note:  Dennis Li, President and CEO of ULI is the designated “Dispute Resolution Officer” who is responsible for resolving issues of contention.

English Language Proficiency

The English Language Proficiency test ensures all students have adequate language skills to be successful in completing their chosen program and courses of study.

During the Intake process all students who do not speak English as their mother tongue (non-native English speakers) must take the ESL Placement Test. Non native English speakers require proof of score of 60% or the entrance requirement of the specific program of choice on ULI ESL testing (or equivalent from other standardized testing mechanisms) and pass an interview with a ULI admissions representative.

ULI utilizes the New Inside Out Quick Placement Test.  It is comprised of 60 multiple choice test items (36 structure and 24 vocabulary) that are worth one point each. The test score has six (6) possible levels including: Beginner, Elementary, Pre-Intermediate, Intermediate, Upper-Intermediate and Advanced.)


Domestic students require minimum score of 7 on Wonderlic Aptitude test and must also complete and pass an interview with the ULI admissions department. International students need to pass an interview with ULI admissions department.  The Student may be required to take ULI Communicating for English (ESL) program to bring English to the prerequisite level of acceptance for admission.

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